Real GDP Growth In Kyrgyzstan By End Of 2023 To Be About 3.4% – Forecast


BISHKEK. KAZINFORM – The real sector of the Kyrgyz economy in 2023 will show growth below the average, the Monetary Policy Report of the National Bank said, Kazinform cites Kabar.

According to the document, by the end of 2023, the real GDP growth will be about 3.4%, excluding enterprises for the development of the Kumtor deposit – about 3.6%. The increase in production at the enterprise for the development of the Kumtor deposit will not exceed the output of 2022.

In a sectoral context, economic growth in the current forecast is supported by the sectors of agriculture (due to livestock and crop production), industry (due to the resumption of idle and maintaining the stability of production at existing enterprises), the services and construction sectors.

In 2024, the growth rate of real GDP will be about 3.8%, excluding enterprises for the development of the Kumtor deposit – about 4%.

Source : Kazinform